
About the Trainings

Under the project, 78 training programmes are being prepared on various product groups and relevant regulations, product safety, market surveillance, fundamental principles of market surveillance, and product safety legislation. It is estimated that nearly 2,400 people will be benefiting from the trainings, with each training programme limited to a maximum of 30 attendees.

The trainings planned for commercial enterprises, consumer associations and representatives will be held in 20 different cities, albeit, for the most part, in Ankara and Istanbul.

You can soon find out detailed information about the trainings as well as the training venues and dates on this page, pre-apply for planned trainings, and finalize your registration for the trainings with set dates via the website. Attendance is free of charge. If you have registered to attend the training but for any reason will not be able to attend, you must cancel your registration.

Training Application Form


Some of the training areas currently under preparation:

1st GROUP – Commercial Enterprises, Consumer Associations, Conformity Assessment Bodies

2nd GROUP – Commercial Enterprises and Conformity Assessment Bodies

3rd GROUP – Consumer Associations alone

4. GRUP – Faydalanıcı ve UD Kuruluşları

(*Grafik üzerindeki rakamlar, yapılacak olan eğitimlerin sayısını ifade etmektedir.)
